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1 Lord 1 Faith 1 Baptism

Welcome to Edifying The Body Ministries where our goal is to do just that; edify the members of the body of Christ. Godly edifying can only take place through “sound doctrine” with God the Father’s word of truth being preached in truth according to His will, not ours. Dispensational bible study is the only way God’s “word of truth” can be fully understood and appreciated. Today we have a ‘fool-proof’ way to understand God’s word, 2 Timothy 2:15 explains the damaging consequences that a bible student will have when he doesn’t fully understand God’s plan and purpose for Israel, and His plan and purpose for us as well. By understanding this truth, a bible student can fully understand where and when God has dispensed His grace, in His word, throughout time.

2 Timothy 2:15: “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

* We now have a weekly live phone conferencing bible study where you can listen in, ask questions, or make comments every Thursday at 8pm eastern standard time. Phone conference details: (667) 770-1530

           Access Code: 992909# Don’t forget to press the # button!

 Playback Number: (in case you missed the live bible study you can playback the Thursday bible study for the previous week) (667) 770-1529

        Access Code992909:# Don’t forget to press the # button!

 *New To Our Categories Section* Our Bible Institute!


A Fundamental Growth Of Bible Doctrine Designed To Guide The Saint From A “Milk-To-Meat” Education As He Doctrinally Progresses As A Son “In Christ.” Courses 1 Through 4 Is Designed To “Edify” The Saint “Unto A Perfect Man, Unto The Measure Of The Stature Of The Fullness Of Christ.”

**New** Check Out Our Video Bible Study Section! A Visual Edifying Platform For The Bible Student!

*ALSO* Access the “Weekly Phone Bible Studies” page, and the “Video Section” for our current Romans chapters 6, 7, and 8 -16 studies on Our Adoption As Sons, and many other Doctrines That Are Designed To Edify The Members Of His Body!

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